Get the currencies of this time as God releases His words and instructions through His chosen leaders.
Available audio CD testaments include:
Blueprint by Apostle Charlse Hackman
The resource of Time by Apostle Charles Hackman
Forget the rules-its a new revolution by Apostle Charles Hackman
Indicators of Change by Apostle Charles Hackman
Opportunities for wealth creation l by Apostle Charles Hackman
Opportunities for wealth creation ll by Apostle Charles Hackman
The GOD encounter- Perfection practitioners by Apostle Charles Hackman
In the beginning it was not so by Apostle Enoch Brown
The Doctrines of Men vs The Original Mind of God by Apostle Enoch Brown
Let God by Apostle Enoch Brown
Let us by Apostle Enoch Brown
That which we cannot do by Apostle Enoch Brown
Seed time and Harvest series(1, 2, 3) by Apostle Enoch Brown
and many others...
...remember, there is the need for speed and and we cannot afford to slumber...
Send us a mail or contact any of the numbers in our 'contact us' page to get your CD.
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