Monday, November 11


Father, I honor your wisdom in choosing to operate on earth through me.”

-Apostle Charles Hackman, DIMENSIONAL PRAYERS

We give a special salute to the Spirit of God, who has powerfully accepted to dwell in us, that we may have God so close to us, even closer than our very breath! We also give a salute to our loyal partners who through their unwavering support have encouraged us to keep up the excellent work being done through this blog. Our fervent prayer is that in the midst of these writings, the true revelation of Father’s perfect will shall be unveiled to our spirits and pervade every facet of our consciousness, and also that the unfolding of His great masterpiece, which begins with us, will become a tangible manifestation in the Earth. So it may be said once more that God has come to us in the form of men [Acts 14:11]! It gives God true glory when men and women succeed in paying the price of separation and sanctification in order to afford them becoming a physical evidence of His divinity (glory); for glory is to be seen and not imagined, assumed or presumed [John 1:14; 1 John 1:1-3]! Creation, along with the rest of mankind, awaits the manifestation of the Sons of God in order for them to be delivered from the bondage of corruption [Romans 8:19-23] and reinstated to their originality.

With this understanding, we begin to realize that the redemption of humanity not only signaled an end to the reign of sin and death but, also, heralded a new dispensation of life and restoration to our dying world. For God so loved the world, which he had lost to corruption, that He was willing to give up the only Son He had at the time- who was the physical manifestation of all that He (God) stands for- with the hope that whosoever believes in the possibility that God could have others like Him, should not perish or be destroyed but, rather, have the life which He (God) intended for him to have from the very beginning before the fall of mankind [John 3:16]. Is that not beautiful? God has demonstrated (and still demonstrates) the extent to which He is willing to go for us. Will we do the same (and more) for Him?

This brings to mind yet another scripture in Psalm 8:3, 4:

3. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained;

4. what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?

We are the result of an investment God made with the hope to gain back the world that He lost to corruption. This is why God cannot get us out of His mind! Our high calling, therefore, is to partner with God in the restoration of the earth’s foundations which are out of course.

The hope of Divinity is to find a generation that will come into the awareness of the responsibility they have towards their world and transcend the imaginary limitations that they place on themselves. We have a charge to keep and a God to glorify! It behooves us, then, to deliberately and consistently add value to ourselves so that we will have the capability to accurately represent God wherever we find ourselves. In our workplaces, we need to demonstrate an integrity that this world as yet does not believe exists. In our schools, we ought to apply ourselves to intelligence and continually exercise our minds in order to stretch our capacity to retain and process information in the most meaningful way possible. We can also create new concepts and discover more efficient ways of executing the demands placed on us. We need to treat every activity as an assignment from God which not only demands our all, but our best.

The men and women of God are supposed to be the custodians of excellence.

-Apostle Charles Hackman

We are being called to a life of excellence. As we make a commitment to excellence and perfection in all we do (without excuses), we invariably promote the credibility of God before the people of the world. In the midst of the daily reminders of our imperfections, will we have the discipline to choose to believe in God’s choice- us? The world awaits our rising. We will rise and be the best that we can be for we know God is within us and there is nothing we cannot do. We may experience setbacks and challenges that cause us to question whether or not we are indeed the ones that God needs, but we are being reminded that we are full of power, by the Spirit of the Lord, to accomplish all that we feel we cannot accomplish. As we receive the conviction of these truths in our spirits, we rise up with the strength of God moving within us to do His perfect will on earth. We have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to perceive the heartache that God has been enduring over the ages, so that we may rightly position ourselves to be the eternal solution in our world for His sake.

Before time began and before moments were set into motion, we existed in the Father’s mind. We had a way of life, we had a culture, and that is the DIVINITY which we have forgotten; the divinity which we now find almost impossible to accept that we still possess. The purpose of the esteemed Holy Spirit, therefore, is to bring about a total recall of our true origins and to remind us of an ancient truth: We are the Sons of God! We thank God for His Spirit.

Dear brothers and sisters, we conclude thusly: Our success in answering the call of God on our lives and restoring the hope of Divinity does not lie in the strength of our resolve and determination. Rather, it is solely hinged on our shameless insistent and persistent pursuit of a relationship with the Spirit of God who has been given to us to be our help and our comforter on this journey of partnership. Let us not consider our weaknesses but rather the magnitude of strength and capacity available to us by virtue of the Spirit of God that is in us, and we will make Father proud.

Your weaknesses are too weak to overcome the Strength of God that is toward you”

-Apostle Charles Hackman